Connect with God

and his people

Looking for a place to connect? We welcome you to become a part of our church. It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done. You might be young or old, big or small, rich or poor, Republican, Independent or Democrat, winner or loser, or whatever....none of those things matter in the least because we believe we are all wonderfully made. We who believe in Christ Jesus are children of God our Father. We belong to him! 

God loves you just the way you are, but God will never leave you the way you are. We all are called to grow in Christ and, here in our church, we love to grow together in Christ. We will always be conforming to the image of Christ if we continue to remain in Him and remain in His love for one another. We are the body of Christ! We cannot be alone in our faith. We are called to connect together in true Biblical community. 

Below are a few ways you can connect with us and be encouraged in your relationship with God.

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Journey with us!

We invite all of our newer attendees to join us for Starting Point, offered once-per-quarter. At this gathering, you will meet other newer people in the church, meet some pastors and ministry leaders, take a tour of our facilities, and share a lunch that we provide. It's a great way to make a connection with someone you don't know right now, catch the vision of the church, and see how you can best connect. Everyone is welcome including children. 


i'm not a guest anymore.

Do you want to dig deeper into your commitment to the Lord through the local church? We believe the local church is the vehicle that God wants to change the world. We are "His hands and feet", as they say. We take this commitment to the Lord seriously enough to organize our efforts as a church with members who will stand with us. 

The transition into membership is open to all. Certainly, the important thing is to get connected into what God wants you to know, be and do. The best way to take a step in that direction is to find your fit in a Discipleship Class or D-Group. 

Then at some point, you may want to attend a Discover Class to understand all that makes us a unique local church, yet part of a larger whole. We learn about our history, doctrines, beliefs, and vision moving forward. Check it out! 

The DIscover Class

This class goes more in-depth about our history, our doctrines and beliefs, organizational structure, and what it means to potentially be a committed member of our local church . We offer the course in various ways, sometimes all at once or over a course of 2-4 weeks. All regular attenders are highly recommended to take this course at some point within their first year. 


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