sPRING 2018

Starting April 4 - May 23 at 6:45pm

Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Facilitated by Dave & Cindi Houghtaling, Room 104

Living Your Strengths by Albert Winseman

Facilitated by Pastor Mike McClurg, Room 102

Colossians Bible Study

Facilitated by Sandy Sertell, FLC Room 121

CPR Card-writing

FLC Room 034

Winter 2018, Part 2

Beginning February 14 - end of March

FOR MEN: Guardrails by Andy Stanley

FOR WOMEN: The Quest by Beth Moore

Care Ministry: Writing notes and loving on people via calls/texts/visits

Youth and Children ministries available


Winter 2018, Part 1

Wednesdays at 6:45pm STARTING jAN 3

For Men:

Kingdom Man by Tony Evans

Room 121 in FLC, facilitated by Eric Hertenstein

For Women:

Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans & Chrystal Evans Hurst

Room 104, facilitated by Sheila Umbs

Option 3

CPR (Care, Prayer, Repair) writing notes, calls, visits, etc. to various attenders of the church.

Room 034 in FLC, facilitated by Nate Stults

Activities for all ages, beginning January 3 thru March 21, 6:45-8:00pm weekly. See group leaders for more info on times and dates.

Fall 2017

Wednesdays 6:45pm

Financial Peace University  learn more

   This class covers all the issues of handling money God's way. Taught by Pastor Mike, Jonathan & Laura Thomas, Brian Bratt

A Charitable Discourse

   This class tackles many of the hot topics in the church today and explores what the Bible says. Taught by Brandon Daniels

   Find the book by Dan Boone on Amazon.

  1. August 30 - Women in Ministry Leadership
  2. September 6 - Alcohol
  3. September 13 -  The Emerging Church
  4. Upcoming topics: Religion & Politics, Human Sexuality, Homosexuality, Science & Religion, & more

Christianity 101

   This class covers all the most basic principles of the faith. Taught by Lyle & Barb Campbell

Card-writing Ministry

  This group gathers to send notes of encouragement to others in our church. 

Winter 2017

WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY- Wednesday evenings at 6:45pm in room 104, facilitated by Sheila Umbs. Two classes will be offered back-to-back. 

Beginning January 11

Priscilla Shirer study of Jonah: Navigating A Life Interrupted 

6 weeks

Beginning February 22

Beth Moore study of 2 Timothy called Entrusted

6 weeks


Care, Prayer & Repair

During Midweek Boost this Winter 2017, we are offering three different kinds of D-Groups to help with: 1) Care, 2) Prayer and/or 3) Repair ministry. We nickname this ministry "CPR."

We want to bless those who need a blessing. We want to bless those who need a blessing. We want to intercede on others behalf and for those serving in ministry. We want to help those who need a helping. (Brochures are also available with more explanation.)

Groups start on January 11 at 6:45pm in the Cafe/Rm 034 in the FLC and conclude on March 29. 

Will you join us in offering "Spiritual C.P.R."? Ministry requests may be submitted on a communication card in the foyer at any time.  Will you join us in offering "Spiritual C.P.R."? Ministry requests may be submitted on a communication card in the foyer at any time.  

Join the D-Group today!